Friday, May 8, 2009

blogg with us follow the 9 steps

First a general E-mail address is needed;
click this link below (under-lined text) if you don’t already have an E-mail address.
If you already have one of these accounts you do not need to create a different one. Just use the one you already have.
This link will take you to to create an E-mail account

Then fill out the Blogger registration page.
Click this link below (under-lined text)
*note the “display name” is the name you want everyone else to know you by as you make comments or create topics for discussion.

Step 3
On dashboard page…
and fill in all the required areas. Be sure to check all box’s
”SHARE MY PROFILE” and up load a photo under “PHOTO URL”
(NOTE “ AUDIO CLIP URL” , ”HOMEPAGE URL” ,” WISH-LIST URL” and “IM USER-NAME” are all optional areas.)

After clicking “SAVE PROFILE” you should see this…

“Your settings have been saved (View Updated Profile)”
Step 4
Go back to: your Dashboard

On dashboard page…
Step 5
*click the “ADD” button
a small window will open and ask you for a URL.

Step 6
Select “add from URL”
On the URL request line….

Another window will pop up and ask your “FOLLOWING OPTIONS”
Then click the “FOLLOW” button.

Now your new dashboard will show all of C.L.C.C.’s blogs.
*click any topic

(ie: 2Samuel - How Secret is Secret Sin?)
this will take you back to C.L.C.C.’s Bible Blogs

Step 7
On the C.L.C.C.’s Bible Blogs page;
Go to the bottom of the page and look for the “FOLLOW” button
*click the “FOLLOW” button

You get a page with three main parties “GOOGLE, AIM and YAHOO” or create a Google account. At bottom of page.

(ie. this set-up is using YAHOO) -> click *YAHOO)

And continues on …
It and it will take you C.L.C.C.’s Bible Blogs. You should now go back down to the follow area and you will see a picture of you. “The you” you have submitted and your display name.

*note if you do not. -> *click the Options link.

under the options link, scroll down and enter the different areas “EDIT NAME” and “EDIT PHOTO” to make the corrected changes. You along with everyone will see this as you…

Step 8
Go to the bottom of the C.L.C.C.’s Bible Blogs page and look for a square sign to the right of the “FOLLOW” button or just after your display name.

*click the square sign.
Clicking this like will take you to a page were you can view all of the following members currently following C.L.C.C.’s Bible Blogs. You should even see your-self as one of the many profiles / pictures listed.

*if not you do not see your profile listed under the many followers,
Repeat steps 7 and or 8

click the “more >>” link and after that click the “next >>” and “<<>


Lastly Email Pastor Andrew at

(ie: a sort sentence of how you came to know of C.L.C.C.’s Bible Blog. Include your “real name” as well as “your display” name in the E-mail)

Any questions about C.L.C.C.’s Bible Blogs can be answer at this Email address.

And please!!!

feel free to post a comment below on how easy or difficult this step by step was maybe your experience may help some one else.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

2Kings 2 - The Secret to Success

Please read 2Kings chapter 2

Chapter two is a time of transition; the ending of the Elijah’s time as a prophet of the Lord and the beginning of his son Elisha’s time as prophet to take his place. Transitions in life tend to make up most of the difficult times we have in our lives. We may be transitioning to a new school and leaving good friends behind. A transition like this is often difficult due to the fear of rejection when we try to form new friendships at our new school. Transitions to a new job can be just as frightening due to the fear that we might have made a mistake and find that the new job is worse than the previous one offering less financial security than we originally thought. Another transition that most of us make is moving out of our parent’s home and into our own place. This causes a fear that we are not capable of living out on our own and not wise enough to make the right choices.

As Elisha came upon this important transition in his life he no doubt struggled with the same kinds of fears. He probably began to question himself. Would Israel accept me or reject me? Can I be as good of a prophet as my father or would I fail? Am I wise enough for this awesome role or will I make mistakes that anger the Lord and destroy people’s lives? Some might think that he just needed to have a little more confidence in his ability to lead and teach and he would be just fine. I don’t think, however, Elisha would agree with that. He did not trust in his own pleasant personality, wisdom or ability to do the job so he asked for a double portion of the spirit God gave to his predecessor.

What do we do when we are faced with a task that causes us to fear?

Do we decide to place a stronger amount of trust in our own personality, wisdom or ability?

Perhaps we should do what Elisha did and ask the Lord for a double portion of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal. 5:22). Focusing on ourselves and what we can do on our own only brings to mind our limitations and failures. Recognizing what we can accomplish in obedience to God’s will with His character, His wisdom and His ability makes us into an unstoppable force. Read closely what Apostle Paul said from prison, “I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength (Phil. 4:12-13).

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

1Kings 5 & 6 - Your Temple

Please read 1Kings Chapter 6 and imagine what the temple looked like as if you were the first person to ever walk thought the doors right after it was finished.

The temple was the very center of all worship. It was the place that God actually lived, moved and spoke to the High Priest which made it the most important place in Jerusalem. King Solomon displayed the level of importance by building the most impressive, most expensive and most beautiful building imaginable. Notice the amazing detail King Solomon spent on the inside of the temple compared to the outside. The outside was large and beautiful, but the inside was breath-taking! Can you imagine how much a building like this would cost us today?!

Think about this comparison, our new building will cost us approximately 1.3 million dollars and will take about six months to build. 1 Kings 6:38, says that it took King Solomon seven years to build the temple. How many millions of dollars do you think he spend on the interior alone?! Can you imagine the labor cost (5:13-16)?! How about the cost of materials being shipped in from all over the world! Completely mind blowing!!

Take a look at the links I have provided below. They can give us some idea of what Solomon’s Temple looked like.

Illustrated Map of Solomon’s Temple with Captions

3-D walk-through of Solomon’s Temple

Today the temple no longer exists. Solomon’s Temple was destroyed by Babylonians in B.C. 586 (2Chronoicles 36:17-20). A second temple was constructed B.C. 516 in its place, but was destroyed again by Roman troops under the rule of Titus in 70 A.D.

We no longer need a fabulous temple to worship God. Jesus changed things when He died and resurrected. In John 2:19-20, Jesus referred to a change in the way worship would be done after His resurrection. The temple would now be in the body. Paul taught this new concept to the Corinthians in chapter 3:16-17, “Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you? 17 God will destroy anyone who destroys this temple. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.”

With this thought in mind please answer the following questions:

  1. How serious are you about worshiping God? Are you as dedicated to honoring Jesus with your body as Solomon was about his temple?

  1. How much time and energy do you spend on your interior compared to your exterior? If you spend 30 minutes brushing your hair and teeth, shaving and putting on make-up to begin your day, how much time do you spend preparing your heart for your day?

  1. Please share with others some successful ways you best prepare yourself to meet with Jesus on a daily basis.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

School bells are ringing

Hey my big family at C.L.C.C. thank you all for your prayers. And may GOD bless all of your needs.

I was talking with Pastor Andrew over the last past week. You know getting things in order with my life and seeing how the old chap was doing.

I also had asked about this Blogger site. He told me that most of the members at C.L.C.C. do look at the posting, but can not reply or comment do to the long, crazy and confusing registration process. I gave him some ideas and maybe it will all work out.

We also talked about “prayer request.” And he basically said….



I have another,

This one is regarding going back to school to hopeful become an art teacher. Well the ball is under way or should I say rolling right on down the street.

(Hope a car doesn’t hit it.)

I’ll be taking an intake test on Monday the 20th.

Please prey that this school does not find out how dumb I really am, and I don’t have to learn high school all over again.(Smile) it has been a long time for me. And I know I will be “rusty” but I think that is not even the word of it.

Please wish me luck!!!

I will try and do well, but most important pray for me.

Maybe it is not the right move for me, going back to school and all.

But only GOD’s will could give me the right opportunities and lead me and my family to his side. Please pray that I will know GOD’s will with me.

Thank you all at C.L.C.C. may GOD bless all the many great and small families, and may GOD bless you with a smile to where all day long. (CHEESY-GRIN/ SMILE)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

2Samuel - How Secret is Secret Sin?

This story of David is much like the way Christians struggle with sin today, especially when it comes to sins that have to do with sex. Those of us that know the Lord and have been following Him for a while either know right from wrong or at least can make a pretty good guess in situations that might be difficult to discern. So when we commit a sin it is not a matter of not knowing between right and wrong but more about our inability to control ourselves when faced with temptation.

Some sins can be addressed fairly easily through our means of self-control and do not require help from someone else. However, everyone has one or more weaknesses that go beyond our ability to change our self and just seem to get away from us. Without someone to point out to us what we do not see or encourage us to face up to our weakness we will continually damage our lives. Some examples of difficult sins that require help are unhealthy attachments to food, drugs, alcohol, pornography and sex.

I believe that everyone commits the sin of lust at some point in our lives. Due to the amazing influence the internet has had in our culture most people commit the sin of lust on a regular basis opening them up to the possibility of an addiction to pornography, having an affair and even far more destructive behaviors. Just like David’s sin, these sins are usually done in secret with the idea that nobody can see us or knows what we are doing. However, the results of our secret sins affect the lives of our family in a profound way. While the sin is done in secret the results are in plain view for everyone else to see. Others see the guilty look on our faces, the broken relationships that surround us, our children acting out with anger and disregard for authority. Even, people we work with can see the affect it has on our job performance. Those of us that are committing one of these sins often do not see the destruction until we have caused so much that it is beyond repair and far more extensive and far reaching than we ever imagined.

We cannot change the results and consequences of our sins, but we can do what it takes to stop the sin we are committing right now even if it requires some help from key partners in our church family.

Place yourself in the shoes of David as you read 2Samuel 12:1-14 and answer the questions below.

  1. How long would David have continued in his lifestyle unless Nathan confronted him?

  1. What might have happened to his children or his kingdom if he was never confronted?

  1. How did David overcome the sin in his life and make things right again?

  1. How do we choose the right person to ask for help overcoming our weakness?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I know my job

The man with many jobs.... I've maybe had about 7 (cheesy-smile) since I started coming to CLCC. And although not all of then were fun they met my needs and the need of my family. I've taken it under great contemplation and come up with the idea that GOD has given us all unlearned gifts; these are what we call “talents”. Gifts you are born to perform in life, well lets just say I have never fallowed up with my gifts and the result is I just keep bumping heads with GOD's plan for me. I feel like I want to lead so much I end up in my own way, or should I say GOD's way for me. In short I am going back to school wish me luck….. What I mean to say is, “please pray for me,” Oh and it was like 3 not 7 that was a brow raiser (smile) did it work?

Also my family and I will be taking a trip down to Hinesville GA. for a week. We are not on complete speaking terms. I know we are a family gong to take a trip in a car ride for about 11 hours (about 700 miles) and we have been fighting and arguing for the last past 2 week.

Isn't marriage grand? (cheesy-grin/smile)

But I am doing what I need to and follow his word "forward-facing." Not bring up or dewing on the most painful past. I know I can't change people. That job is up to GOD to do. I can just work on me and change my way of thinking and actions to prepare my heart for the lord’s way in me, not the easiest way to live life. But if it was easy it would not be called life. Please prey for us and that we may have a safe and peace filled expedition.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Is Anything More Important Than Worshiping God?

Please Read 1Samuel 15

I think most Christians would feel that there is nothing more important than worshiping God. They might prove this by stating that we were created to worship God.

How would you answer that question? Do you believe we were created to worship Him? Or were we created for something else? Is there something else that pleases Him more than worship or is that the most important thing we can do?

Let’s try to put ourselves in God’s shoes for a moment. Since he has children and you probably do also, imagine this story.

Let’s say you passed through the kitchen on your way out to the store and felt your feet were attacked by the dishes stacked on the floor beside the sink as you stumbled over them. Then, after a quick recovery you felt violated by the sight and smell of the trash can. Someone was thoughtful enough to jam the trash down until the sides bulged but didn’t split. Now, it was over flowing with last weeks leftovers and the sigh and smell is a cause for therapy. So you ask your daughter to do the dishes or your son to take out the trash. Coming home loaded down with groceries you discover that neither the dishes nor the trash had been touched for the hour and a half that you had been gone. You call the kids to account for their failure to obey you and they reply, “Sorry, we got caught up worshiping Jesus to our new Toby Mac CD, the worship was wonderful and we now know all the words.”

Now let me ask you the question; are you pleased?

Nope. The children disobeyed a direct command from you and from the Lord, (Eph. 6:1).

The Lord was not pleased with King Saul’s actions either. Samuel stated the following to King Saul,

“What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams. Rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft and stubbornness as bad as worshiping idols. So because you have rejected the command of the Lord, he has rejected you as king.”

What is more pleasing to the Lord, singing out to Him with a strong voice, clapping enthusiastically, dancing for joy, raising your arms in awe, kneeling to Him in honor or doing the dishes and taking out the trash when asked?

  1. What major flaw did King Saul have that led him to disobey? (Hint: Samuel mentioned it)
  2. Did you get the feeling that King Saul didn’t understand what was expected of him? Why do you think that is since he was clearly told what to do?
  3. What commands do you feel Christians avoid by worshiping instead?
  4. What do you think keeps Christians worshiping instead of serving?